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Lutterworth College

College News 8th March 2019



Last night was the opening night of High School Musical. The show features 58 students representing every single year group at the college and we are extremely proud of each and every one of them. The cast did an amazing job last night in front of the first of three sold out performances. They all gave fantastic performances and have shown such professionalism throughout the entire process. It was great to see so many excited faces both in the audience and on stage. We can't thank parents and students enough for their support. What a talented bunch of students we have at the college! Thank you to all those involved who have made this such a fantastic and memorable show.

Sapere Aude

The Spring edition of Sapere Aude is out and can be found on our website and attached to this newsletter.

School uniform

We are noticing some worrying trends emerging regarding school uniforms including:

  • Blazers not being worn but carried in bags
  • Hoodies being worn in place of blazers
  • Skirts being rolled up (simple test here is that skirt hems should be below the tip of the fingers when the arm is extended down the side of the body)

If teachers are spending the first 5 minutes of every lesson challenging school uniform students are losing around 2 hours of learning per week – if parents could support here we’d be grateful. We have a very smart, traditional uniform that deserves to be worn smartly and with pride.

Ironically, I should also take this opportunity to remind all that next Friday 15th March is non-school uniform in aid of comic relief – donations of £1 or above welcome.

Medic Society

Our Medic Society has been running since November and our numbers are growing week by week. It includes students from Year 10 all the way to Year 13; anyone who is interested in a career in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary. This week we were very lucky to have Dr Siva, President of Medic Mentor, visit the society and chat to students, giving us an insight into the realities of life as a doctor. The session was well received by all attendees, who stayed into their lunch hour to hear more and asked many, many questions. Dr Siva was more than happy to chat to students one to one and give advice on applying to Medicine. We will be sure to organise more visits in the future! 

The Medic Society runs every Tuesday lunch in S1, so bring your lunch and come and take part. Please contact Mrs Hardy in the Science Department for further information.

County Cup Final

On Tuesday 12th March, the Year 10 football team will be playing in the County Cup final against Brookvale Groby. The game will take place at Harborough Town Football Club (Northampton Rd, Market Harborough, LE16 9HF) and will kick off at 3pm. The team won the area competition earlier in the year by defeating Kibworth, Thomas Estley and Brockington, which then placed them in the county finals where they won against Fulhurst, City of Leicester College, and finally Hinckley Academy in the semi-final. We are extremely proud of the team and their coach PE teacher Mr Harding says that it has been a privilege this year being able to coach them this year. It would be brilliant if this achievement of reaching a county cup final could be celebrated with a win. Good luck to the team and Mr Harding!

Rugby Varsity Matches

On the 13th of March, Lutterworth College will take on Lutterworth High School in four varsity Rugby matches. The matches will cover all age ranges including a year 10 girls match. The matches will be held at Lutterworth Rugby Club and we anticipate kick off to be 4.30pm. Following the game both team will have a meal in the club house. Parents and other students are encouraged to come along and show your support. 

Year 7 and 8 indoor Athletics

On Thursday the 2st March, we will be entering four teams for the year 7 and 8 Indoor athletics competition. This will take place after school at Beauchamp college. There will be a boys and girls team for both year groups, so if students are interested in competing they should speak to either Mr Hodges or Miss Stanhope in the PE office.

Nellie Taylor Award

Harborough District Council have asked us to promote the Nellie Taylor Award where can apply for a grant of up to £2,000.00 to support their training and learning, start up their business, or help getting a job.  

Details can be found at the below link but please bear in mind that the closing date has now passed and they will be setting a new closing date for this year soon. 


Next week’s ‘Thought for The Week’

‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’ Galatians 6:9


All the best for the weekend

Nick Summers 




Upcoming Events


7th-9th March – High School Musical 

15th March – Non-school uniform day (Comic Relief) 

18th March – Year 9 Booster immunisations 

19th March – Year 11 ‘in school’ GCSE History Conference 

19th March – Diocese of Leicester visit – Art Competition 

21st March – Indoor Athletics competition (Year 7&8 students) 

1st-12th April – Pre Public Examinations (2nd set) – Year 11 & Year 13 

3rd April – Parental Engagement Evening 7/9 (3.30-6.30pm) 

4th April – Apprenticeship Fair (6-8pm) 

5th April – FOLC Easter Quiz (evening)




13th-28th April – Easter Holidays 

29th April – 8th May – Pre-Public Examinations – Year 10 & Year 12 

6th May – Bank Holiday 

13th May – 28th June – GCSE & A level examination period 

27th May – 31st May – May Half Term 

6th (Saturday) July – FOLC Colour Run