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Lutterworth College

Information for Prospective Parents/Carers

Dear parents and carers

The move from primary to secondary school can be a daunting experience for young people and their families. But it’s also an exciting time, and one rich with opportunity. For the majority of our students, Year 7 is just the beginning of a seven-year educational journey. In that time, we’ll be privileged to witness them grow into well-rounded young adults ready for the wider world of further education or employment. 

The College has been educating the young people of Lutterworth and its surrounding areas for more than 140 years now, and our main aim hasn’t changed. We want to enable every young person to learn, flourish and succeed. We do this by providing the best teachers teaching the best lessons for our students, and by having a strong network of non-teaching staff who help to support them pastorally.

In keeping with our Christian ethos, we want to develop learners who demonstrate our six 'Be CHRIST' characteristics by being Courageous, Hardworking, Reflective, Inspiring, Supportive and Tenacious.

At Lutterworth College, we hope to make the transition as smooth as we can for all. We’ve put this webpage together to try and answer any burning questions our young people and their families might have. Please set aside some time to read it carefully before completing an application.

All the best,

Stewart Parry-Shovlin

Deputy Headteacher 


You can find an electronic version of our prospectus here:

Lutterworth College Prospectus

Getting in touch

If you'd like to get in touch with any questions, your first ports of call are listed below:

(Note that most staff email addresses use the format initial.surname@lutterworthcollege.com, and you can find a full list here.)

Communication from the College

The College uses a variety of channels of communication to get in touch with parents/carers:

  • The most important communications are emailed, so we recommend that parents/carers check their inboxes daily.
  • You can also follow our social media channels for various updates: we’re on Facebook here, Twitter here and Instagram here.
  • Parents will also have access to Go 4 Schools – which can be accessed online or with the app – that details student attendance, behaviour, rewards and progress in real time. This is in addition to Show My Homework (Satchel), an app and web service that acts as a homework planner for students. Login information will be shared for both of these at the start of the autumn term.


Most of our students walk to and from the College. A significant number, however, use buses. Many make use of the local Arriva and Hinckley Bus services, while others use those provided by Beaver Bus and Ausden Clark.

Click here for the School Transport section of our website, where you’ll be able to access more information.

Uniform and Equipment

Our uniform has been selected to give our students a pride in their appearance and a sense of belonging to Lutterworth College. It has been designed to be formal, comfortable and purposeful.

Go to our Uniform and Equipment page to find out more about the uniform: what students need to wear and when, and where to get things from.

You’ll also find a list of essential equipment.


The College has a number of lockers available for students to use should they have a lot to carry on a given day. To use a locker, students should bring their own padlock. Lockers must be emptied daily so that they can be used by other students.

If a student has a medical need for an accessible locker, parents/carers can request a reserved one for them.

School Day

The school day begins at 8.35am with a warning bell, and concludes at 3.10pm.


Students in Years 7 and 8 follow a two-week timetable comprising 25 one-hour lessons a week.

For most students, the following subjects will be studied:

In some lessons, students will be taught in their mentor groups. In others, there may be some setting involved to ensure that all students are able to access the curriculum content and to achieve.

You can find out more about the College's curriculum here

Sporting Facilities

We are incredibly lucky to have sports facilities that would rival any other secondary school and facilitate the delivery of a wide range of team and individual sports.  Alongside our traditional first team football and rugby pitches, the College boasts 6 full-size hardcourt tennis courts. In addition, the school has recently installed a full-size floodlit Astroturf to a provide high quality surface for sport suitable for all year around.

Inside, students have a large sports hall containing 4 badminton courts, a netball and basketball court and 2 cricket nets. Alongside this space, the school also has a small sports hall containing 4 Olympic-size trampolines which further doubles up as a space for fitness training, yoga and dance.


As a Church of England school, the College welcomes students of all faiths and none. 

In keeping with our Christian ethos, we want to develop learners who demonstrate our six 'Be CHRIST' characteristics by being Courageous, Hardworking, Reflective, Inspiring, Supportive and Tenacious.

Courageous students do the right thing, even when it is easier not to. They stand up for others. They try new things. They contribute in class, even when they aren’t certain they’ve got the right answer.

Hardworking students always try their best. They take pride in their work. They complete tasks on time and to the highest standard. They fully commit to their learning and understand that effort leads to success.

Reflective students think about the small changes they can make that will have a big impact on their achievement. They prioritise feedback over grades. They think about the effect their behaviour has on others.

Inspiring students act as role models for others. They look for opportunities to flourish in school, getting involved in co-curricular activities and all areas of College life. They go the extra mile.

Supportive students help those in need. They are kind. They don’t tolerate bullying or mean-spirited behaviour. They understand that everyone is unique, and value diversity. They are courteous to other students and to staff.

Tenacious students never give up, no matter how hard the challenge. They recognise that success does not come easily. They see failure as an essential step on the road to fulfilment. They ask for help if they need it.

We have collective worship weekly during assemblies, where our Chaplain Graham Thomas offers time for reflection and a thought for the week. He also shares his thoughts on our social media channels twice weekly.

Co-curricular Programme

We strongly believe in the value of enrichment activities in supporting student development. From the day students arrive, we encourage them to participate fully in all that the College has to offer.

There’s something for everyone, with more than 50 co-curricular activities running at any given time – from The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to Dungeons and Dragons, and from movie club to mindfulness training.

There are many sporting clubs and teams which students can join. Most teams compete in local competitions, with many achieving success in moving on to regional and national competition level.

The College is renowned for its excellence in the performing arts – with highlights including our annual Dance and Drama showcases, as well as our sold-out productions – with Annie, We Will Rock You and A Monster Calls being performed to packed audiences in recent years.

Many subjects offer trips to enrich the study of their subject. Recent adventures include a Performing Arts trip to New York, our Geographers visiting the Peak District and Dorset, a PE water sports trip to the South of France, and our annual ski trip to Europe. The College’s work with World Challenge and African Adventures has seen our students travelling to India, Vietnam and Kenya.

You can view a sample half term programme here.

Pastoral Care

Lutterworth College is a diverse and welcoming school in which student welfare is of paramount importance. We endeavour to have a nurturing and caring environment in which all students belong and feel secure.

We liaise closely with our feeder primaries to help make the transition to secondary as smooth as possible, and to ensure learners’ needs are met. When they join us, they are allocated a designated mentor who oversees their progress and acts as a first point of contact for any worries or questions. Mentors typically stay with their groups from Year 7 through to Year 11. Each mentor meets their group every day during registration, and this gives them the opportunity to monitor the academic and social development of every child in their group.

Each year group is led by a non-teaching Pastoral Manager, who oversees the personal welfare of the students in their year group. Pastoral Managers follow their year groups as they progress through the College, meeting regularly with mentors to ensure that any issues are dealt with quickly and with care.

Pastoral Managers work alongside our Progress and Achievement Leaders (PALs), who keep a close eye on our students’ academic journeys, intervening where necessary to support.

The College also employs a Personal Coach for additional emotional support, and a Careers Advisor to offer impartial information and guidance about next steps.

We recognise all young people as individuals – and we understand that a little extra help can make all the difference in helping them to become the best that they can be.

You can find out more about our pastoral care on the website here.


The College works closely with our feeder primary schools to identify students who may require extra support. They will tell us the measures that were in place there, and we’ll look at ways in which we might be able to help here.

If you'd like someone from our SEND team to get in touch to discuss your child's needs, please email sendco@lutterworthcollege.com


At Lutterworth College, we operate a cashless payments system. Students’ ID cards act as contactless payment cards in our various canteens (as well as for other non-food items they might want to buy - e.g. stationery from the Library). The best way for families to use this is for parents to top up their child’s card using ParentPay online.

The system allows you to monitor how your child is spending their (your) money. It is also a secure system to pay for other things in school such as equipment and trips.

Our catering is provided by Cucina, a company chosen by Lutterworth College to provide fresh, high-quality and locally-sourced food, with a range of healthier options. They also accommodate for a range of dietary requirements. 

Information on students eligible for free school meals can be found on our website here.

Behaviour and Rewards

At the College, we have high expectations of all our students, and for this we make no apologies. A successful behaviour system recognises the right for every student to learn, free from disruption. The vast majority of our learners are eager to make the most of their time here, and we want those who succeed in doing the right thing to be given recognition and praise.

We also recognise that, sometimes, students make mistakes. As a result, our sanctions system is designed to be fair and proportionate. We’ve also ensured it is open and transparent so that students and their families know where they stand.

Lutterworth College has a set of non-negotiables that are detailed above. They represent the minimum that we expect.

We outline how we reward students who do the right thing, and the steps we take when this isn’t the case, on our website here.


At the College, we believe that home learning can be a key to academic success. Home learning should be relevant and stimulating: a positive experience for both students and their parents. Not only should home learning augment student subject-specific development, but also develop them as effective learners. At the same time, it’s important that students have a break. You can find an indication as to the volume of homework to expect on our website here.

Homework is set for all students using Show My Homework (Satchel). This is a simple online homework calendar that students can use to track all of the tasks they’ve been set, with details, deadlines and reminders. 

One of the big advantages of the system is that parents/carers can also log in to view what homework has been set for their children.

You can find out more information about Show My Homework here.

Tracking Student Progress

At the College, we work closely with our students and their parents/carers to track their progress. In doing so, our students know how well they are doing and, more importantly, what they need to do to make further progress in each of their subjects.

You can find out about how the College tracks student progress and communicates with parents/carers about it here.

Progress Evenings

In most schools, parents/carers have just one opportunity each year to attend a parents’ evening for a child in a particular year group. This is often less than ideal for many families, particularly where securing time off work is difficult, or for year groups where parents’ evenings have fallen later in the academic year – and perhaps too late for any significant impact.

At the College, we’ve replaced traditional parents’ evenings with our Progress Evenings. These happen every 4 weeks during term time, with most of these evenings open to parents/carers of children in all year groups.

There are a number of benefits to this system:

  • Parents/carers can see teachers at several points throughout the year, rather than waiting for one designated evening.
  • Parents/carers have more flexibility to make appointments when it is convenient for them.
  • Parents/carers will be able to see teachers of children in different year groups on one occasion.
  • Teachers will be able to request to see parents/carers as the need arises, rather than having to wait for a specific year group evening.

Roughly 2 weeks prior to each evening, teachers meet to identify students whose parents we feel there is a pressing need to see. We will issue letters to the parents/carers of these students, and there will be a short ‘priority window’ in which these parents/carers can make appointments.

Following this, the booking system will open to all, and parents/carers will be able to book in to see the teachers with whom they’d like to meet.

We hope that all parents/carers will attend at least one of these evenings per year, but you are welcome to attend more often should the need arise. However, you will understand that, as some staff teach up to 400 students, it may not always be possible to secure an appointment on a given evening.

As always, if there is an urgent concern, parents should not feel they have to wait until the next Progress Evening. Contact the school as soon as you can so that we can address the issue immediately.

Sixth Form

The majority of the students who join us in Year 7 stay with us for the full seven-year educational journey, becoming students at Lutterworth Sixth after they’ve completed their GCSE studies.

Lutterworth Sixth is an inclusive Sixth Form offering a wide range of academic, vocational and technical courses for those looking for a fantastic all-round experience before they go off to university, apprenticeships or employment at 18.

Our Sixth Form is based in a dedicated building that includes specialist teaching rooms and facilities, including The Brewhouse, our coffee shop for the exclusive use of Sixth Form students.

As with life in the main school, students can expect high quality teaching from expert practitioners – many of whom have extensive experience in developing and assessing Post 16 qualifications – as well as exceptional pastoral support. Lutterworth Sixth also prides itself on its opportunities for students to get involved in the leadership of the College by running its Student Parliament and house events.