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Lutterworth College

College News 14th September 



Headteachers message - The Welcome back!       


It has been a great start to the Autumn term and the academic year encapsulated by the energy, enthusiasm and smiling faces on the Year 7 trip to Bushcraft over the past few days. Mr Lane, one of our Assistant Headteachers, has been keeping me up to date and whilst there have been a few tears at being away from home (not Mr Lane) it has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience for all and I hope that Year 7 students and their mentors have bonded for the journey ahead.

In reflection on our summer examinations we had another good year for both GCSE and A level outcomes - the last two years have seen the College break all records from previous years. This year we have another relatively small cohort of students in Year 11 compared to previous legacy cohorts under the old 14-19 Leicestershire structure but we expect a similarly good set of results from them as well. Our current Year 10 are our first 'homegrown' students - many have been with us since Year 7, others have joined us along the way. What is really exciting is that our current Year 7 & 8 are now full - in fact, in Year 8 we are oversubscribed - for the first time in LCC records parents are lodging appeals to get into the College! This is a reflection, I feel, of the excellent work that has happened here over the last few years and the great outcomes that students have achieved. We are not about to rest on our laurels though and we are pushing as hard as we can to best serve the young people of Lutterworth and its surrounding communities.

In a couple of weeks time we have our Year 6 Open Evening for prospective Year 7 students entering the College in 2019-20 academic year. Tickets can be 'purchased' from our website - get them quick if you have a child in Year 6 because they are going very fast indeed!

Next Monday (17th) is our first Parent Engagement Evening - existing parents will know that we do not run Parents Evening's in the traditional format of a one Year group in one evening per year as that only gives parents one discrete opportunity to meet the teachers of their children. We have nine Parental Engagement Evenings throughout the year and this gives parents nine opportunities to not only come on a date convenient to themselves but a a time in the year when it will have most impact in terms of a child's learning. More details below.

Finally, could I ask parents that drop-off student in the Laurels car park to be very careful when crossing the pavement on the entrance - there have been a few near misses and it is the children that have right of way here - please wait until there is a suitable gap in pedestrian traffic - alternatively you can use Lane 3 (the one nearest Bitteswell Road) in front of the College to drop-off - you can access this via Gate 2 and exit via Gate 3. 

I hope that you sign up to our twitter and facebook account and that this weekly newsletter gives you a flavour of what is going on - in and around College.


all the best 

Nick Summers

Headteacher - Lutterworth Academies Trust


Parental Engagement Evening:Monday 17th September 2018 (3.30pm – 6.30pm)


Our first Parental Engagement Evening for this academic year is onMonday 17th Septemberfrom 3.30 – 6.30pm in the ELC (E-Learning Centre); please accept our apologies for the late communication about this evening, this has been due to a systems issue affecting schools nationally. Visit https://lutterworthcollege1.parentseveningsystem.co.uk to book your appointments via our online booking system if you would like to attend this evening and meet with any of your son/daughter’s subject teachers to discuss their progress. As this evening is very near the start of the school year we ask that you only book appointments where you have something specific you need to speak to your child’s teacher(s) about. The booking system for this evening is now open for parents to make appointments.

Parents Evening System - Lutterworth College


Parents' Evening System. Welcome to the Lutterworth College parents' evening booking system. Appointments can be amended via a link from the email confirmation - please ensure your email address is correct.

Parent Engagement Evenings happen every 4 weeks during term time, with 9 opportunities for you to attend over the academic year. These eveningsare open to parents/carers of students in all year groups and it is for parents to decide which evening they would like to attend unless they are asked to attend a specific evening by one of their child’s teachers..


You can find the dates/times of the evenings for this academic year below:



Monday 17th September 2018


Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Wednesday 21st November 2018

Thursday 13th December 2018


Monday 4th February 2019 (Y11/13 only)

Tuesday 5th March 2019


Wednesday 3rd April 2019

Thursday 16th May 2019


Monday 17th June 2019


You will understand that, as some staff teach up to 400 students, it may not always be possible to secure an appointment on a given evening. To ensure as many parents as possible are able to attend, we would ask that if your child has more than one teacher for a subject you only book with one of your child’s teachers and not both. The booking system for this evening will close to all parents at midnight onSunday 16th September.


To book your son/daughter’s appointments you will need to log in with the following information:

  • Your Surname and First Name (if this does not work please use your initial instead of your First Name)
  • Your email address (the one the school uses to contact you)
  • Student’s Surname and First Name
  • Student’s Date of Birth


A short guide on how to book appointments is attached to this email. If you are having any problems with logging on to the system, please contact the school reception. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school reception who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.

Please note that the teachers listed below will not be in school on this day so will show as unavailable in the system. If you would like to make an appointment with them please book an appointment for a future evening on different day:


Mrs J Chapman (ASDAN)

Mrs E Gardiner (Science)

Mrs A Sunman (Science)

Mrs E Coulson (Science)

Mrs J Murray (English)

Mrs R Vegemwala (Maths)

Mr J Deacon (Maths)

Mrs V Pearson (MFL)

Mrs R Wright (Science)

Mrs A Farrah (D&T)

Mrs C Stephenson (Maths)

Mrs R Wrighton (Drama)


As always, if there is an urgent concern, do not feel you have to wait until the next Parental Engagement Evening. Contact the school as soon as you can so that we can address the issue immediately.

We hope that all parents/carers will attend at least one of these evenings per year, but you are welcome to attend more often should the need arise to meet with a specific teacher. On your arrival at the Parental Engagement Evening, please follow signs to the ELC (E-Learning Centre) and sign in at the welcome desk.

Michelle Hadley             

Assistant Headteacher           



 Upcoming events


12th-14th September – Year 7 - Bushcraft trip


17th September – Parental Engagement Evening 1/9 (3.30-6.30pm)


 27th September – Prospective Year 7 Open Evening


2nd October – ‘Meet the Mentor’ Evening (3.30-6.30pm) - Year 7s & Year 12 only


7th October – Tomorrow’s Engineers ‘Energy Quest’ (Year 7)


23rd October – Parental Engagement Evening  2/9 (3.30-6.30pm)


25th October – Prospective Year 12 Open Evening


 26th October – FATAL 4 day (Sixth Form)



Thought For The Week 


“Great things are achieved not by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together”  

Vincent Van Gogh