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Lutterworth College

SIAMS Report 2019

View the full report here


Dear Parents,


Statutory Inspection Anglican & Methodist School (SIAMS) – Lutterworth College Report


As a Church of England school, Lutterworth College was inspected under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005 on the 16th & 17th May 2019. Our school’s last SIAMS inspection was in 2013.


I have attached a copy of the current report to this letter but highlight the two judgements given as follows:


Overall Judgement:  Good

Collective worship judgement: Good


As with the OFSTED inspection in late 2017 the grades given to Lutterworth College match the reflective judgements of the school’s leadership prior to the inspection.


We are rightfully very proud and pleased with the content of the report.  As with the recent OFSTED report it gives the school a platform on which to build our journey to outstanding & excellence.


The Key Findings of the report are:

  • The school has a powerful Christian vision which has considerable impact on the lives of all pupils, and is particularly evident in the pastoral care system
  • The school has a strong and effective senior leadership team with a clear understanding of the vision and a development programme to further embed it in the life of the school
  • Religious Education is very effective, and this is clearly evident in the ability of pupils to speak readily and confidently about religious and spiritual matters
  • Collective worship is well planned to communicate the vision.  Pupils engage readily and understand the relevance to their lives


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who contributed towards this report not least the parents that attended as part of the inspection process.


Kind regards


 Nick Summers



View the full report here